Monday, November 10, 2014

I got 99 problems but salvation aint one.

Hey Everyone. I hope this email finds you all extremely well! I am so good here in Blantyre. So this week we had transfers i am still here in Blantyre. Its going on six months but that is okay i love this place! Sister Nxele went to my first area so it tugged at my heart some but that is okay the Lord has plans for me. This week was alright. It was cooler and it rained some. Christ really does love us ha. There is not too much to tell it was just one of those weeks. But i appreciate every week that i have here. Oh thee other sister missionaries came over Saturday to say goodbye to sister nxele we had a dinner and had some other fun. We got some sisters t-shirts made ha-ha. They are sweet! The back of the shirt has a scripture its Alma 9:28. Sunday was good my companion gave a talk and she did great. I sat in the congregation with my favorite family the Gwasa’s. They are too funny! We talked about the gathering of Israel. We had some sweet lessons this week. But yeah besides that nothing to much! Oh and we went to a church wedding so that was my first ever in our church it was sweet. They did a good Job of adding in the church culture and the Malawi culture too best of luck to them!

Just a couple of shout outs before i share something small! First one goes to Wayne HAPPY BIRTHDAY WAYNE! ALL THE WAY FROM MALAWI! AND A BIG HUG! HOPE YOU ENJOY IT! Second goes to Becca Hurely who I got a letter from thanks girl! one is coming your way! Third goes to my former companion Sister Clifford thanks for leaving so many clothes behind because I was out and you know me and washing! You're a star! Lastly thank you SISTER FUAMATU my former companion as well for helping me resize my photos so i can send a lot.! Blessing are coming your way ha-ha. 
So in my book of Mormon reading for the week was reading in Alma 23 when the Laminates become righteous. And it is just truly touching. We all have the ability to change. And the way, that our father in heaven changes us. These people were the most vilest of sinners. And they changed! Even the bible there is a history of a man named Saul who is now named Paul. He was a wicked man. We all know the story on the road to Damascus. But my point is that the Lord loves his children and he is always willing to give us second chances. His arm of mercy is always extended towards us. We just have to take it. I just love this verse it says its verse 8. “And these where they who were converted unto the lord.” When we are converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ we will have a desire to change. It will come naturally once we understand the atonement and how much our father in heaven loves us.  He loved the Laminates even in there wickedness, and they were wicked and once they change he removes their curse. I know that our Father in heaven loves us. And that we can show him how much we love him through our actions. I know that no matter where you are in life if, you are not making correct choices there is always a place for you in the arms of the savior.

Okay well that’s is it! Hope you Enjoy the many pictures from this week!
Until next time XOXO

With Love,

Sister Tia Griffus

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