Monday, December 29, 2014

Prince Of Peace (Dec 15 2014)

Hello everyone! i hope this finds you all well! I hope everyone enjoyed the sabbath!
I love every sunday but i think the closer it is getting to christmas the better the sabbath gets! i love all the talks on the atonement and the story of the saviours birth.
This week was really good. We had a good amount of lessons, but it wasn't the number of lessons that we had that made it so great, but is was how effective they were. Quality over qaunity. We taught some sweet lessons. But the is an oppostion in all things. We also didn't get see all the people that we wanted to see, but the lord has send tender mercies!
We had a family that we have been teaching for awhile finally come to church. They are the Muliro Family. They are about 78-83 years of age! they are just too cute. They attend a church and they are so active in there church. But they came! and they said it was so different from theres. They loved it, and there just happened to be a baptism! 
So the spirit was so strong. They felt it. Truly the Lord prepares people.
Besides that i just had a normal week that i am truly grateful for. This week with the spirit of christmas in the air i wanted to talk about the saviour. He truly lived up to the title the prince of peace. He brings peace into all of our lives. And it is avalible to anyone and everyone. I have been thinking of ways the Savior brings peace to my life. Being on a mission so far away from home can be scary. Not really knowing what is happening with your friends and family, only knowing what they tell you. But the savior has sent me so many tender mericies. Just little things like seeing people all the way in malawi with minnesota shirts on! i love it! And just when i pray for my loved ones he send me the spirit of comfort. And it is a reasurance that everything is okay. It may not be perfect but all is well. Another way he brings peace to me is knowing of his antonement. I love the story of the saviors birth and i urge all to read it. It is in the first book of matthew (if i am not mistaken.) I love that it says that he is born to save his people. And that he name shall be Emmanul which means God is with us. I know that the Savior and his atonement are real. And that it is sufficent to save us! and comfort us. His Atonement is not just the cleansing of sin! But it is for all of our short comings! It can be applied always! It will bring peace to our lives.
I would just ask that all of you think about how the Savior, Has and can, bring peace to you and those around you. I know he loves us! And i am grateful for this wonderful season! i hope it is doing good for all of you too!
I love you all hope you all have a good week! much love!
Shout outs!
Congrats mom on the new hair you are lookin to beautiful!
Irene congrats on your baptism!(pics below!)

Smith and I future missionary! brazil! 

Irene at her baptism yay! 

Mary and Christ

Prince of Peace

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